How To Vet Your Business Idea
- Know If You're Ready To Take The Leap
The Ultimate Course
Finally, the way to figure out if your business idea
is worth pursuing.
Before you spend money or take these actions:
sign a lease
buy inventory
place ads
hire people
sign a contract
purchase equipment
​ hire a lawyer​
write a business plan
seek funding
hire a CPA
You need to know if your idea could work. This guide will take you through a deep dive on all the questions you need to answer before you invest.

Does This Feel Familiar?

You're ready to leave your your job and be your own boss.
You know it's time to take control of your work, your schedule, and your income.

You're wondering if you have what it takes to start your business.

You're not comfortable spending lots of money to start a business without knowing if it can MAKE money.

Wondering what your legacy could be?

You have a GREAT idea, but you're not sure if it will work.

You think you're on to something really good. Now it's time to do some homework.
You don't know what all is involved to get the idea off the ground.

You've come to the right place.

The Answers Are Here.
Upon completing this guide, you will :
* Identify all the risks
* Know if your business idea truly aligns with your personal goals
* Have a clearly defined business model
* Learn how to test your product/service offering
* Calculate what funds you'll need to start the business
* Understand how you'll make money
* Determine your best profit scenarios
* Simulate what day-to-day operations will be like
* Detail your next steps
* Have a safe place to ask questions and get answers
What others are saying about the guide:

I had so many questions and fears about moving forward with my business idea. I wasn't sure if I should pursue it or not. Jodi guided me through the critical business issues and she opened my eyes to some of the risks I needed to be aware. Even better, she helped me uncover some potential sales options that I had never even considered before! This changed my whole outlook on the business and how I should proceed. This course is a MUST for anyone who has questions about her business idea.
- Sarah
Rebelle Creative Strategies
A Peek Inside The Course
Align It
Module 1
What benefits you hope to gain
What is not negotiable for your lifestyle
Assess your capabilites
What you will need to make a Go/No Go decision
You'll Then Know
Is your business idea a good fit with who you are?
Define It
Module 2
Specific product/service and business description
Your mission statement
Develop a Minimally Viable Product (MVP) strategy
Create a sales scenario
You'll Then Know
What is the value proposition of the business?
Test It
Module 3
How to create and test a prototype of your idea
Start up costs
Delivery requirements
Other considerations (legal, regulatory, space, technology, skills, equipment, etc.)
Monthly operating expenses
You'll Then Know
Is your idea feasible?
Count It
Module 4
Calculating profit potential
Cash flow
Funding sources
Ways to bootstrap
You'll Then Know
Can you make a profit?
Live It
Module 5
Work Through:
Anticipating challenges
Handling money
A day in the life...
Identifying risks
You'll Then Know
What will your new work life be like?
Let's Recap
The course is delivered in 6 different video modules. In addition to all the videos, there are worksheets, cheat sheets, and other helpful resources to supplement the topics covered in each module.
Each module is organized into several sub-topics/mini lessons in individual videos so you can consume the information as much (or as little) at a time as you choose.
You will have access to all the materials for a full 12 months upon accessing the guide.
Still have some unanswered questions? You can book a complimentary private working session with Jodi to work through any questions, brainstorming, strategy development, or other issues you want to cover.
You'll also receive these bonuses!

Leverage Your Strengths
This ebook/workbook includes 9 deep dive exercises designed to help you uncover all your strengths. You'll find ways to leverage those assets and put them to good use in your business, in your career, in your day-to-day life!

Setting Your Goals In 6 Easy Steps
Believe it or not, sometimes knowing what goals to pursue is not easy! This book/workbook walks you through 6 steps where you will identify the goals that truly matter to you, and help you create a plan to achieve those goals.
After going through all the materials in the course, you will know whether or not you want to take the leap to start your business.
You'll know what will be required to get it started, what resources you'll need, how you will make money, and what operating your business will be like.
You'll have the information, the peace of mind and the confidence you need to make a Go/No Go decision!
And no worries! If, after completing all the work through Module 3, you are not satisfied with the guide, you can request a full refund. We want you to be satisfied with your purchase and know that you are getting your money's worth. To review the refund policy, click here.
You've Got Questions?
What do I need to go through the cohort?All you need to bring is your idea! You might want to have a pen and paper handy to take notes too. We're going to talk about all the different areas of your business idea that you should be thinking through. So don't worry if you haven't done any of the math, designed a logo, or even figured out who your customer might be. We will work on that together!!
How will I have access to the guide and materials?This is easy. Once you reserve your spot in the cohort, you will receive an email confirming your seat. This will also walk you through how to set up your private login and password. A day before the meetings you will receive your login and password to the online live class. Each module has multiple topics and lessons. You will be given access to download all the worksheets, ebooks, and resources for each module prior to the live meetings so you can follow along as we cover them in class.
When does the cohort meet?You have signed up for the September 17th cohort class. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17th at 7:30pm Eastern Standard Time. The second meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 24th at 7:30pm Eastern Standard Time. Each meeting will be for about 2 hours. We will cover the Modules 1 - 3 in the first meeting and we will cover Modules 4 - 6 in the second meeting. You will receive your link and password to the live cohort the day before the class so you can log in and join the live sessions.
What is your refund policy?We want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase. If you are not satisfied with the course, we will gladly refund you. You can see our refund policy by clicking here. Thanks for asking!
What if I miss one of the sessions?You will want to reach out to the class instructor and discuss what you missed. We want to be sure you get access to all the information and content. If you miss a session, we will do our best to meet with you to review the content. If it is possible, we will include you in a future session of a future cohort.
You do NOT want to launch a business without going through the course first!
It's time to Vet Your Idea if any of these scenarios ring true for you:
You have an idea and you can't get it out of your mind
You're sooooo ready to be your own boss
You want a side hustle
You're stagnating in your current position
You need to have more answers in order to move forward
The thought of being in the same rut in 12 months is unbearable
You know the time is ripe, now what?
You'll be ready to move forward or decide once you work through all the details
You're worried you may have overlooked something
You need help in assessing risk
You're ready to invest in yourself
Doing the due diligence will get you to the right answer.
You've Got This.
How do I know this to be true? Because I will walk you through the vetting process. I've helped hundreds of entrepreneurs - new and seasoned - figure it out. I know what you must do to work through that idea.
The last thing I want you to do is to take the leap and start a new business without working through all the ups, the downs, the risks and the opportunities. I've seen it many times and trust me, it can be a painful and EXPENSIVE experience.
It is my mission to help you pursue your passions and reward yourself using your skills, talents, and your gifts. But it is heartbreaking when I see someone start a business without knowing if she can make money or if she will even enjoy owning and operating her business. I will walk you through this due diligence process so you don't prematurely go down that dangerous path.
I created this course to help you work through all the details you need to consider. Right now is a fantastic time to think about starting a business. This course will take you through all those critical points you must work through to know if you're ready, to know if your idea is viable, and to know if you can make money at it. You are here because you're ready to be in control of your future.
Let's get started!